• For-Loop

    For-loops are statements with a loop-expression, a loop condition and a statement body that are executed as long as a specified condition is met.

    For-loops have the unique attribute, unlike while-loops and do-while-loops, of having an executable LOOP_EXPRESSION, which is evaluated at the end of every loop cycle. This LOOP_EXPRESSION can be used to do repeating tasks at the end of a loop cycle, like calling a function or increasing a counter.

    Released in v0.10.0 - Please update your version to access this feature.



    Execution Schema

    • Evaluate INIT_EXPRESSION, if it exists (Only the first time).
    • Check CONDITION, if it exists, before running the STATEMENT. If CONDITION is false, then the loop will be stopped!
    • Run STATEMENT if CONDITION was true.
    • If the loop was not stopped using return or break, evaluate LOOP_EXPRESSION after finishing the execution of STATEMENT.


    // ✓ Simple for-loop with an execution counter
    for (var i: num = 1; i < 10; i++) {
      call print(f"Running for the {i}. time!");
    // ✓ Simple for-loop with two execution counters
    var j: num = 0;
    for (var i: num = 1; i < 10; i++, j++) {
      call print(f"i = {i}");
    call print(f"Additional variable j = {j}"); // -> Additional variable j = 10
    // X Infinite loop - Avoid this, as it results in your program freezing/running forever
    for ( ; ; ) {
      call print(f"Running for the {i}. time!");