Function Call Expression
Function call expression are expressions that call and run a specified function and evaluates to the return of the function. In case the return value is not assigned to any variable or used in another expression, then it will be simply discarded.
If the return type of the function is void
, then the
function call expression will not return any value.
See also Functions.
call NAME(ARG1, ARG2, ARGn, ...);
// OR - 'call' is optional
NAME(ARGS, ARG2, ARGn, ...);
Calling a defined function
def func1(val1: num, val2: num) -> num {
return val1 + val2;
func1(10, 10); // -> 20
Calling a defined function and assigning it
def func2(val1: num, val2: num) -> num {
return val1 * val2;
var example1: num = func2(10, 10); // -> 100
Multiple chained function calls
def func3(val1: num, val2: num) -> num {
if (val1 < 0) {
return 0;
return val1 * val2;
var example2: num = func3(5, 10) + func3(-1, 10); // -> 50
Using the return of a function with a return type of void
def func4() -> void {
var example3: void = func4(); // -> void
X Can not use the return of a void function
def func4() -> void {
4 + func5(); // -> Error: Invalid arithmetic operation between types 'num' and 'void'.